Friday, August 03, 2007

Teething problems

Not a great week, really.

A bit of drama on Tuesday night, when M had side effects of the medication he's on. We spent the evening together at the casualty department of the Royal Surrey Hospital. Memo, please anyone in the area, do your bit to save the hospital. I was very stressed, and spent half the time in the loo with my stomach reacting to the stress (as it is prone to do) and also to the half pound of cherries I consumed before I knew about M's problems. He, in the mean time, went to sleep.

All was well - just teething problems (unfortunate turn of phrase, see below) with the medication and basically, keep taking the tablets. However, I missed Guildford Writers ( - and I had my piece all typed up ready to read. I haven't managed a new story for the Guildford Festival short story competition (Up my Street). I would have preferred it to be an open competition and recycled one of my other short-listed efforts. Nor have I written anything for the next Writers' News comp. Somehow the time keeps ebbing away.

I have been waiting for my back copy of the Evening Standard, to see whether the article about Pride and Prejudice and publishers was in there. No post arrived at all yesterday, and a great pile of it today - was there a strike or something yesterday? At any rate the ES was with the mail, but no article, in the end - just a letter from me with my thoughts on the topic.

I still haven't dealt with this post; I was busy most of the day; I had two joints of turkey to cook and carve and put away in neat packages for lunch in a couple of weeks, when M's siblings and spouses come for lunch. At least I've got that behind me, and this weekend nothing's happening at all.

During the week, both my vulnerable teeth had new problems. The filling in the one that's due to be crowned broke a couple of days ago, and the tooth that gave me problems on holiday has broken again in another place. Fortunately, this time, it's not scratching me, but I'm afraid of chewing anything other than soft pap. I have resorted to biting with my front teeth like a Bugs Bunny, as the damaged teeth are on either side of my mouth. My dentist isn't due back from holiday yet and my next appointment with him is in three weeks' time.

Irene and I had a good day out on Wednesday, when we visited bookshops to show them the range of Goldenford books. They didn't say definitely that they would take them, but they definitely took us seriously. It was such a nice day, particularly after the previous evening. The sun was shining and we were both in summer clothes - such a change.

We also had an order from the wholesalers, Gardners, for copies, which is becoming a regular monthly event. People are actually going into shops and asking for our titles, or buying them on Amazon. Still time to get one of them for your holiday reading.


Anne Brooke said...

So sorry to hear about the teeth, and the domestic traumas, Jackie - sending hugs. And well done on the bookshops visitation - that's cheered me immensely!



Jackie Luben said...

Thanks Anne,
And I hope you are feeling better too.
