M & I are both much improved now, but today, we're marooned at home. Snow has hit Surrey in a big way - we have at least 12 inches of snow outside our doors, covering our cars and enveloping our garden furniture. In the photo above, you can see a hanging basket, too. The forecast for tonight is for a drop in temperature to minus 3 C - that's about 27 or 28F. (Sorry, I got it wrong last week, when I talked about the inauguration being at -11. It just shows that I'm beginning to adjust now to Centrigrade and forgetting Fahrenheit.) Unfortunately, the roads will be treacherous, if the snow freezes. The weather forecast is not promising, but if it thaws out a bit tomorrow, I may clear the snow from my car, so that I can get to the hairdresser the following day. This is not to get tarted up, in any way, just for a bit of a trim.

I call this photo, Snow Sculptures. These strange shapes are our garden furniture. I know some people have been out making snowmen. I managed to resist that. In any case, I didn't want to spoil the virgin snow by sinking my wellies into it. Even the milkman didn't get to us this morning.
Fortunately, I heard that snow was coming and went to Sainsbury's yesterday and filled up with fruit and veg. There is a major catastrophe if we run out of bananas. They are a staple diet for M. I think he must have been descended from an ape - did someone else come up with that idea?
Last night, having done very little during the day (apart from shopping) I had a sudden panic. The sheets in two of the bedrooms need changing and washing as the ProdigalD with spouse and GD2 will be visiting in a couple of weeks. It's February and time to do the VAT again, and end of month statements need to be knocked out too. I've spent too much time emailing friends about the snow - so I'll let my photos speak for me.

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