Monday, March 26, 2007

Losing time

More jetlag today, due to the lost hour due to the change to British Summer Time. With the sun out today, and yesterday in Cambridge, where we spent the weekend, it felt quite summery.

We went on Saturday, and M drove with his foot hard down on the accelerator the entire journey. He’s a good driver, but that sort of driving always unnerves me. It’s no wonder that drivers become ‘back-seat drivers’ because, once we’ve learned to drive, we apply our own reflexes to the other person’s actions. Consequently, I am either clutching the seat, or putting my foot on an imaginary brake throughout the journey. It was better on the way home, because M was tired – he even took the wrong road out of Cambridge, on the way home, but it meant he dropped his speed and it was a pleasant journey. I didn’t offer to drive, because I’m too tense and nervous for motorways. I would make a mess of it, however, I did volunteer for about the last ten miles, but I’m not good at night driving either, and was relieved to get home.

We saw the family, including our two of our granddaughters and I helped with the creation of a tapestry with the GD senior. We went for a walk to the river yesterday, where the boatmen were trying to tempt people onto punts, fed the swans and went to the children’s play area.

When we got home, we watched Northanger Abbey. I forgot to record Casualty on Saturday night, but as my last attempt defeated me, I will need to study the instructions before having another go.

Pootled around today, being fairly useless. I had a look at some Guildford Writers’ comments on the first chapter of Tainted Tree. I need to get this very crucial part sorted out.

I managed to catch the tale end of The Write Stuff as I was making dinner. At the end they were asked to create a soap in the style of Tom Stoppard, and three out of four of the panellists chose The Archers, which just shows how important it is to listen to it, if you want to turn out like Sebastian Faulks.


Irene Black said...

Oh no! Not another Northanger Abbey fan! I appear to be in the minority! I actually switched over to the fat detective in order to get away from the simpering females! Anne has already commented on my blog about this sacrilege.

My Significant Other also scares the pants off me when he drives. It's a Man thing, I think. They always seem to need to be driving 'at the cutting edge'. Though I can think of some women who have been likewise affected, most of us take a more reasoned approach. That's why insurance companies like us!


Jackie Luben said...

To be honest, I don't think it's the best of Jane Austen. Although she's having a go at the gothic novels of the time, her heroine is rather a silly little thing. Not in the same league as Elizabeth Bennet.

But I've watched so many Dalziel & Pascoe repeats that I can virtually do the dialogue myself.

Anne Brooke said...

But Northanger Abbey was far better and more in the spirit of the book than last week's Mansfield Park!



Jackie Luben said...

I didn't see the earlier Mansfield Park. On that occasion, I watched the fat detective.