Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mouth Wide Open

If someone told you that you would subject yourself to lying flat on an uncomfortable chair; having a huge needle thrust into your gum; having to open your mouth repeatedly and really wide, over and over again during a half hour period; having a great lump of plasticine or playdoh bunged in your mouth, squelching through your teeth, and then having it yanked out again, almost taking the healthy teeth with it; having a mini hoover placed within to clear out the crumbs, and then when released from the ordeal, returning home with a wonky smile; trying to eat a soft roll only to find it escaping and devouring a cup of tea and slurping it out of your mouth, you would tell them they were crazy. I must be crazy – I’ve put up with all that, and I’m paying for it too. My first experience of having a crown fitted. (And I still have to go back to have the permanent creation installed.)

Last night was our regular Goldenford ( meeting and it went well, apart from Anne being absent. We missed you, Anne. ( Our sales are ticking over and we are still exploring selling ideas. Now that I’m home, lots of jobs are waiting. Replenishing food stocks at Sainsbury’s; dealing with washing and ironing and the last leg of the bookkeeping are on the agenda for this afternoon. When I’ve sent off the VAT return and the books, perhaps I can think again about writing.


Anne Brooke said...

Sorry about the tooth experience, Jackie - hope it's all over soon for you. Just think how relieved you'll be when they're done!



Jackie Luben said...

Thanks Anne. Well at least half the job is done. Another joyous trip to the surgery, in a couple of weeks.

Sue said...

Well the worst is over now and it will look good when it's done.

Hope it wasn't too bad an experience for you.


Jackie Luben said...

Thank you Sue. Truthfully, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be; the worst part for me is having to keep my mouth open for long periods (without talking) that is. But it's not really cosmetic - it's a back double, and I need it for biting.

Writer Girl said...

My sympathies for the dental experience. I've just had an abortive root canal procedure so I am literally feeling you pain!

Jackie Luben said...

I'm so sorry, Writer Girl. That sounds far worse than my session. Hope it's sorted out soon and it doesn't interfere with the writing.