Did I hear someone say that Easter Day was colder than Christmas? It wouldn't surprise me. We have had sleet, snow, rain and frost. In fact, my feet are freezing at this moment, even though I surreptitiously nipped into the utility room and turned up the boiler temperature. Now that M is home rather more than of yore, I am having to play 'draughts', which does not resemble the board game 'drafts', but nevertheless generally requires us to make alternate moves. He goes into a room and opens the window; I close it. He turns the heating off; I turn it on.
I still recall our early married days in our first home, which had a rather antiquated heating system. M told me that when we moved into the house we were at that time building, there would be a sophisticated system with a programmer which would bring on the heat the house first thing in the morning and again in the early evening. During the day (he said) I would be working (ie cleaning) and would therefore not need the heating on. This scenario did not appeal to me. For one thing, I couldn't envisage working that hard on domestic chores - and I was certainly proved right there. So once our heating was set up in the new home, I made sure I found the by-pass switch on the programmer, and although M is a heating engineer, I know as much as he does about programming the timeclock.
I still recall our early married days in our first home, which had a rather antiquated heating system. M told me that when we moved into the house we were at that time building, there would be a sophisticated system with a programmer which would bring on the heat the house first thing in the morning and again in the early evening. During the day (he said) I would be working (ie cleaning) and would therefore not need the heating on. This scenario did not appeal to me. For one thing, I couldn't envisage working that hard on domestic chores - and I was certainly proved right there. So once our heating was set up in the new home, I made sure I found the by-pass switch on the programmer, and although M is a heating engineer, I know as much as he does about programming the timeclock.
On Friday, M & I went to Sainsbury's which was packed to capacity. I'm told you should never shop on an empty stomach, so it was a mistake going before lunch. It was probably an error of judgement taking M with me, too, as he urged me to buy more of this and more of that. I was also unsure when the family (arriving on Saturday, after lunch to accommodate a birthday party) were returning to their home. So I over bought. I bought too much cheese; chocolate profiteroles; tiramasu; a chocolate gateau; too much bread - I even went back in the afternoon for that, having forgotten it in the morning. Then when the Son&Heir and family arrived on Saturday, they brought a home-made chocolate cake with them (as well as chocolates.) Instead of returning on Bank Holiday Monday (today), which I thought they might do, they went back mid-afternoon on Sunday, having had only two main meals. So M and I will have to eat our way through the surplus cakes and chocs.
The granddaughters did a show on Sunday morning. This required them draping themselves with all the scarves they could find in my wardrobe and GD3 doing a display of gymnastics on the floor. GD1 she gave a running commentary on how to keep fit, having already issued tickets, together with a questionnaire. This we were supposed to fill in at the end to check if we remembered all we'd been told. However, there was a break for chocolates in the interval.

As ever after a family visit, we were both tired today. However, M found time to take this picture of me with Jan's painting for the Tainted Tree cover. Only a few more weeks before TT will be ready to face the world. Is the world ready for TT, I wonder.
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