Once ensconced on the Glasgow train and having had a much needed cuppa, I went to my holdall to get out a book, and lo and behjold, there was the pass and the card. Relief all round. But it took a while to convince M that I was not a disorganised ditherer.

Uncharacteristically, on Friday morning, M wanted to buy a cheap teeshirt and pair of trousers he'd spotted the previous evening. After we'd taken them back to the hotel, we walked to George Square which is a bit like Trafalgar Square, though not so impressive. There we got on an open topped bus for a tour of Glasgow. This was very successful, and we got on and off a couple of times - that's the benefit of these on/off bus tours. I was frustrated that I'd left the camera back in the hotel, and after the walking we'd done already, I didn't want to go back for it. So I have no photos of Glasgow. I was particularly sorry because we crossed the Clyde to get to the Science Centre and afterwards, we went up the Glasgow Tower with a panoramic view of the city. From there, we walked along the towpath towards Glasgow Harbour. We didn't see the Tall Ship because a bus came along and we ran for it. From there to the Transport Museum, which M thoroughly enjoyed (the Science Centre was more geared up for children). Our walking had tired us out, but I would have liked to have done the tour again another day, with more emphasis on some of the other museums. We didn't have another chance though. That night we dined with our friends and others, and various things were happening over the next couple of days, including the wedding itself.