Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A good news day

Another word about The Fruit of the Tree -just to make life easier – if you don’t want to go for an aimless wander around my website and you want to cut to the chase and order a book – this is the code: http://freespace.virgin.net/jackie.luben/order.html where you will find Fruit priced as £7.50 plus £1 p&p. As you will see from Amazon, the recommended retail price is £8.50.

By the way, can someone tell me how to create a sidebar, then I can include this, together with other websites for people to visit.

A busy day yesterday, as my sister in law and niece came to dinner. We had a good evening. I spent much of the afternoon, preparing. I had already in the morning, carried out my traditional Monday washday routine – changing sheets, etc. (We are the last outpost of blankets and sheets, here.) I also went to the bank, and while there took photos of the old library and the proposed new one. You can just see the word LIBRARY through the trees. It’s good to see this village improving its amenities.

Good news from Irene (http://www.thisthatfromireneblack.blogspot.com/) whose novel of India, The Moon's Complexion, a Goldenford (www.goldenford.co.uk) book, has been accepted by Virtual Tales (http://www.virtualtales.com/). It’s a quality novel and I’m not surprised they wanted it.

Also, a surprise email this morning saying M had won rugby tickets from our gas/electricity company. I must admit I was highly sceptical when I fed in the email address to their website for this lottery. Now I wonder whether anyone else bothered to enter, or whether all the rest of the energy users of this group are either not on the internet, or prefer football.

My s-i-l was so inspired by my display of muscari (grape hyacinths) when she called in last week, that, she tells me, she persuaded her husband to take her to Winkworth arboretum during the weekend. It transpired she thought they were bluebells, and couldn’t understand why there were none in flower when they arrived there.

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