Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Down in the mouth?

I’ve just got back from the dentist, which I was dreading, but it wasn’t as bad as I feared. He said it was the most difficult filling he remembered doing, because I have a small mouth, which doesn’t open very wide, and because there was very little of the tooth left, so he’s built on the lining he put in last time. If this doesn’t work, he thinks that extraction would be the best option. He doesn’t recommend root canal work, and as he tells me it would require me having my mouth open for an hour or more, I don’t like the sound of it very much either. I’ve still got two more repairs to do, one to the second tooth I broke with my enthusiastic flossing, and one which was causing me occasional problems in the first place, and which has been put off until the others are sorted. My fear that breaking off a bit of the problem tooth would be the last straw was unfounded. In fact the dentist said it was easier to get to the problem area. My cold has also abated to a great extent, so my medicinal regime must have worked well. I can also recommend a glass of wine every evening, to calm the nerves and make one forget about sore throats, blocked noses and broken teeth.

I finished off the bookkeeping for Goldenford (http://www.goldenford.co.uk/) yesterday, so will shortly embark on our own office work. We need to send out invoices before the end of our financial year and I also have to deal with the bookkeeping, which I do quarterly when the VAT return reminds me.

Well that’s the boring stuff. On a more interesting topic, Virtual Tales (http://www.virtualtales.com/), my on-line publisher, is thinking of bringing out paper versions in the USA. They have put out tentative feelers and I will discuss with Goldenford whether I should grant them (VT) North American rights to A Bottle of Plonk. Of course, as they’re only considering it at the moment, it may all come to nothing. ‘Plonk’ is currently available from Goldenford (http://www.goldenford.co.uk/) or from Amazon or can be ordered from Waterstone’s, and on line, as an e-book or in serial form from Virtual Tales. So don’t let anyone tell me they can’t get hold of it.

Despite somewhat euphoric feelings with the main tooth problem behind me, within another couple of hours, I had a new problem – my back. It could be linked to the coughing I’ve been doing, during the last few days, or it could be that as I lay flat out on the dentist’s chair, waiting for him to do his worst, my back was tensing up in anticipation. Either way, at the moment, I can hardly walk from room to room. Nevertheless, earlier in the evening, I went to Guildford Writers, with my next piece of my novel (working title, Innocent Bystanders) typed and ready. Not bad going, since I didn’t actually start it till 6.00 p.m. this evening. However, it wasn’t met with universal acclaim. But not to worry; I need something to move me on into the next bit of the story, and sometimes it’s better to write something just to get you going.


Jan said...

Yes, that's what I keep telling m'self..."write something and get going" BUT I always manage to make a call, pick up shopping, have a coffee, meet a friend, do some work ( NOT writing) and now I'm into BLOGGING!!
Oh Dear.
My Act Needs To Be Got Together.

Jackie Luben said...

Know just how you feel, Jan. Blogging is the worst. A definite addiction.