End of July, so I tackled the invoices M dictated the other day. We’ve missed out on doing them for a few weeks and some dated back some time. Anyhow they were all printed out and posted off on Friday, together with statements. I still have a few more of those to do. And in the evening my brother in law came to dinner.
On Friday, I listened to part of Desert Island Discs – the speaker Thomas Kineally. I found him very interesting with a good sense of humour. He was inspired to write Schindler’s Ark through a conversation he had with a Schindler survivor while waiting fifteen minutes, in a shop, for his credit card to clear. It just shows that writers shouldn’t spend all their time at home with the computer. It’s when you’re out and talking to people that inspiration might strike. I loved a phrase he used to describe writers. It sort of answers the question that other people ask – is your writing autobiographical?
‘To write a novel is always to go naked.’
On Saturday afternoon, Irene www.myspace.com/ireneblack and I had a table at the Pirbright Horticultural Show. All week long, I watched the weather and wondered if we would have to call it off. All right for the people exhibiting their onions, etc, inside the hall, but no fun to be sitting outside in the pouring rain. We took two huge umbrellas and then the sun came out and gave us a glorious afternoon. People came and chatted with us and bought our books too. We even had a visit from the Mayor of Guildford.
On Friday, I listened to part of Desert Island Discs – the speaker Thomas Kineally. I found him very interesting with a good sense of humour. He was inspired to write Schindler’s Ark through a conversation he had with a Schindler survivor while waiting fifteen minutes, in a shop, for his credit card to clear. It just shows that writers shouldn’t spend all their time at home with the computer. It’s when you’re out and talking to people that inspiration might strike. I loved a phrase he used to describe writers. It sort of answers the question that other people ask – is your writing autobiographical?
‘To write a novel is always to go naked.’
On Saturday afternoon, Irene www.myspace.com/ireneblack and I had a table at the Pirbright Horticultural Show. All week long, I watched the weather and wondered if we would have to call it off. All right for the people exhibiting their onions, etc, inside the hall, but no fun to be sitting outside in the pouring rain. We took two huge umbrellas and then the sun came out and gave us a glorious afternoon. People came and chatted with us and bought our books too. We even had a visit from the Mayor of Guildford.
Finally, I spoke to my daughter to hear she’d had a horrendous journey from Hereford to Prestatyn last week, and they’d even driven through a road that was closed. When they got back, they had to use bottled water for drinking. Yesterday I received a card from Prestatyn, written by GD2, now six years old. She told me every detail of the rolls they bought from the bakery on the way home – egg, mushroom, cheese, etc. I can see she’s going to be a writer, but she may have to learn a little editing first.
Last night, I typed 1200 words of my latest novel, ready for Guildford Writers tonight. All the stuff I wrote on holiday is now in the computer, and I’ve written just under 40,000 words. But now I’m stuck again. I just don’t know what’s going to happen next. Inspiration is desperately needed.