Thursday, March 06, 2008

Spring is coming, but not quite yet

I've managed to reinstall my camera software to the new computer and this is a picture of the crocuses in my garden a couple of weeks ago. Actually, you can hardly see them, but they were lovely.
It's been a grey day, today, but nevertheless, there is a spring like quality. Driving into Guildford to buy a gift for someone, I was impressed at the masses of daffodils at every traffic island. And we have some in our garden too. The lemon yellow polyanthus are like bright gems and a neighbouring copper beech, which gave us much pleasure in the autumn is suddenly in flower. In sheltered gardens, I am always amazed to see the brilliant reds of camellias - they look like roses and seem incongruous in the late days of winter - I saw the first one about a fortnight ago. The first time I spotted them - in London, surprisingly - I was inspired to buy two for our garden. But we are a frost pocket and our flowers are always later than many other gardens. So though we have buds, we will not have flowers for another two or three weeks. The photo below shows the effect of Mr Mole who has inhabited our garden for several weeks. We're told it is because of the heavy rain last year and the high water table which has pushed the mole to seek higher ground.

I started a story on Tuesday and managed to get it typed for Guildford Writers in the evening. The subject is bullying, but having been sure I'd seen it as a competition topin in Writers' News, I now can't find it. There was a good piece about Anne in the current edition, mainly focusing on Thorn in the Flesh. I hope it does well. It deserves to.

Yesterday, Parcel Force arrived to make a delivery at about 8.30 a.m. With M not doing so much work these days and nothing like school runs to cause us to rush out of the house, we were sitting having a leisurely breakfast. When M brought in a large box, I thought it was a) Another replacement chainsaw; or b) a new nightie which I'd ordered from (better whisper this) Damart underwear. I know this is very uncool, but I really like long nighties with long sleeves for winter wear. I have given up on being trendy. Incidentally, the Son&Heir had cause to go into Damart years ago, when he took a winter trip to Russia. He told me he put a paper bag over his head. However, he was pleased to have the thermals in the sub-zero temperatures, particularly when most of his other clothes were stolen from the hostel where he was staying.

Anyway, it wasn't any of the above - it was a hamper from Fortnum & Mason's, sent by one of M's customers - the Board of Management of a block of flats - that he had given up working for about six months ago. We opened up the parcel, containing a basket with smoked salmon, cheeses, alcohol and other things and were delighted at their thoughtfulness. What a wealth of difference there is between being appreciated and thanked and those that just take one's efforts for granted.


Anne Brooke said...

What a wonderful gift - lucky you!



Jackie Luben said...

Yes, smoked salmon sandwiches for lunch, yesterday.
