After the last couple of weeks of frenzied activity, I feel strangely unmotivated. I contemplated going to Sainsbury's today, as we are out of bananas - always the signal to me that it's time for my weekly (or possibly my 9-daily) shop. I dropped M at the station for a London job, but wasn't awake enough to shop then. When I realised that he had left his mobile phone behind, I felt obliged to stay in, as I couldn't ring him to ask what time he'd be coming back. He however, decided to walk home from the station (we've both put weight on again.) When he got in, it looked cold, windy and wet outside; I decided I couldn't face it - the bananas would have to wait.
I spent some time deleting emails, which was the sort of mindless occupation most suited to my mood today.
However, on the good news front, as you've already heard, both Guildford Waterstone's have Tainted Tree in stock; the ALCS paid me some money for photocopies of my work in various countries and other uses of my material (always a satisfying feeling) and two of my short stories were shortlisted in the Lichfield Short Story competition. One of the three has been shortlisted three times in different competitions. Lichfield also shortlisted two of my stories this time last year.
I'm tempted to sing 'Why am I always shortlisted? Never the premier prize.' to the tune of 'Why am I always the bridesmaid?'
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