Thursday, July 02, 2009

The Goldenford witches are flying again

A calm few days, since my return from Freiburg. The Son&Heir was supposed to come here last weekend with the family, but he put his back out, transporting his bike on to a train, and hasn’t been able to drive long distances. I thought cycling was supposed to be a healthy occupation. We weren’t able to go there, because accommodation was fully booked up for graduations.

There’s a more hectic weekend to come, with a party at my house for some friends, on Sunday, and on Saturday, I shall be with the other Golden Girls at Bookboyz, 28-30 Kingsmead, Farnborough, GU14 7SL, from 1 - 3pm. where we shall be signing books. After that, we’re off to the launch of a children’s book – The Convent Rules, by Angali Mittal - in Clandon, near Guildford. I am leaving M to his own devices, but I shall have to hide my good frying pan and saucepans, in case he decides to cook for himself. Tomorrow, I shall be getting in food for my do, though others will bring extra salads and desserts.

I thought I’d add in these additional pictures from our trip to Titisee – a well-known lake and beauty spot about 40 minutes away from Freiburg, where we went on our last day in Germany. Irene has already put a photo of three witches in her blog, and I too chose these, as being reminiscent of the three witches of Goldenford. I also loved the wall of cuckoo clocks – would have brought one home, if M hadn’t been around.

With non-stop sunshine, I have no excuse for not dealing with most of our post holiday washing. Tonight rain is forecast and I hope my New Guinea Busy Lizzies will get a drenching – and that, after that, the sun comes out again.

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