Thursday, April 26, 2007

Feeling somewhat straight-laced

Yesterday became more and more dominated by my back. I stupidly went off to Sainsbury’s, mid afternoon, without taking any painkillers and by the time I came back, I was in a lot of pain. M’s bright idea was to imprison me in the corset that was made for him when he had an accident about 35 years ago. While it’s true to say he was a lot slimmer then and I’ve put on a fair bit in the same period, we are not quite the same shape. Once I’d managed to make and consume a meal, I sat feeling somewhat like Queen Victoria with cushions plumped up behind me watching The Apprentice for the rest of the evening. I loved the bit where Adam, the Philistine, thought the price of one of the ‘lip’ photos was £9.50, rather than £950.00. A man after my own heart. Actually, I’ve got one of those here. But even though I like to go to art galleries, unlike my other half, I’m pretty reactionary and traditional. I wouldn’t have bought the lips at £9.50, let alone £950. What a chutzpah to expect such prices. Nor the bosoms with claws stuck into them. I’d have gone for the horses myself. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I’m afraid you just have to have seen it to understand.

I haven’t done anything physical today. Clothes have remained unwashed and un-ironed. But I have done a bit of work to the novel – some rewriting following the comments on Tuesday, plus a little extra, which has brought me up to 35,000. And I had a letter in Writers’ Forum about self-publishing. Pity I dashed it off, because I noticed the word ‘comments’ twice in the first two lines. It’s always worth looking carefully at everything you write, because you never know who will be reading it. Tonight, there’s a Goldenford ( meeting. Lots to discuss, I think, including Anne’s new website dealing specifically with Pink Champagne and Apple Juice (, created by Sue at (


Jan said...

Oh dear!
I hope you're OK soon.
At one point, I thought you were BOTH having to share the 35yr old corset at the same time... but reread and realised Im more tired today than I thought...

Anne Brooke said...

Sorry about the back, Jackie - hope it improves soon ...

Hugs (but gentle ones!)


Jackie Luben said...

Thanks for the sympathy, girls. Fortunately, I didn't have to get roped into it with M inside it. I'm sure with my Queen Vic hat on, I could have then said, we are not amused.

Cathy said...

Hope the back is feeling better Jackie. I suffer badly with mine so can sympathise.

Wasn't the 'Lips' photographer a prima donna though? I had to laugh when she got so fussy about the walls and the labels at the last minute!

Jackie Luben said...

And the warm wine too! Perhaps you have to learn how to be arrogant in order to sell your photos at 1,000 quid a time. She must know something we don't know!