Thursday, January 04, 2007

The machines are talking to me

Those readers concerned about the banana crisis in this household will be reassured to hear that it was temporarily resolved on 2nd January when we took a trip to Knaphill. This was primarily to get small bits of electronic equipment from the computer shop there, but while there, I rushed to the Co-op to get bananas and cheese, thus warding off a Sainsbury's trip.

M also decided to have a hair cut and I followed him into the barber's. The woman who has cut his hair for the last 29 years told us she was leaving to go to the west country. She took the opportunity to say that M first met her when she was 19 and said (re his hair), 'Are you sure you know how to do it? Women shouldn't be working in men's barber shops.' He followed that up some time later by telling her she should be at home with her baby. I informed her he was an MCP of the first order and that the only way I tolerated him was by having a switch-off device in my head. She assured me that the only way she had coped with the men in the shop during the last three decades was by operating a similar device.

The electronic bits have not improved things drastically. My Clara connection has been reinstated, but I lose it sometimes and my broadband connection also disappears for long periods (yesterday, all day and half today - it came on some time during the lunch hour.) In addition to that, I am having fun and games with all the things I'm registered with, like Yahoo groups, which don't necessarily recognise me, and passwords which I've changed and have now forgotten. However, my new microwave and digital radio are very friendly and send me messages on their digital displays. The m.wave tells me to start, weigh things and open and close doors. The radio tells me who's on and gives me a potted synopsis of The Archers, amongst other things. Hardly worthwhile listening. I'll just read the display.

I heard from Kate at Writers' News that she would include my piece for 'Members' News', if I would like to rehash it. I spent some time rewriting my original effort, which now includes my shortlisting with WN's own competition, my placing on the HE Bates competition and my contract with Virtual Tales. I hope it will be in the magazine in the spring.


Anne Brooke said...

Well done on the Members' News acceptance, Jackie - that's great! And glad to see the banana crisis has been resolved ...


Jackie Luben said...

Thanks Anne. Alas, M has rapidly worked his way through the bunch and another trip out is called for.