I have been in correspondence with Red’n’Ritten (http://www.rednritten.com/) a site that promotes publications containing no explicit sex and no gratuitous violence. I had originally offered them my autobiographical book, The Fruit of the Tree, which does qualify (http://freespace.virgin.net/jackie.luben/fruit.html) which they may sell from their virtual or actual shop. However, on looking at my novella, A Bottle of Plonk, they’ve decided against it. Apparently, it wouldn’t pass the censors.
Virtual Tales (http://www.virtualtales.com/) are have a month of special offers to celebrate their birthday. You can get two stories for one, etc. and other offers during June.
I’ve been to the optician today, and all’s well. There’s always a potential problem with someone with two very diverse eyes, apparently, and that’s that the really bad one will get more short-sighted and the not so bad one will improve. Although my good one is marginally less short-sighted, it’s not enough to matter or increase the differential between the two eyes dramatically.

At 7.00 a.m., we were woken up by a ring at the door. In our groggy state, we thought it was Friday, and the milkman was ringing for his money. Eventually, we remembered and let Kevin and his partner in, and made tea for everyone. They told us they had telephoned at 5.50 a.m. Fortunately, we had the bedroom telephone switched off. I’d rather have a rude awakening at 7 o’clock than at six.
You lead such as exciting life, Jackie!! No end to the dramas ...
Hmm. Other people's dramas, I think. Ours is no more exciting than being disturbed by the milkman.
Milkmen can be pretty disturbing, Jackie ...
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