Friday, November 03, 2006

Frosty mornings

Another bright and frosty start to the day and another dozen or so huge apples fallen from the tree. These late fallers are the best ones - ripe and sweet, and not usually infiltrated by worms like the early fallers. Two years ago, when we had a good crop, I stored them in a cold shed, and was still cooking them in the following March. Bramleys in the shops are never rosy like these are, because they pick them all much earlier.

Yesterday was the first frost and the busy lizzies in the garden turned black and limp. Time for them all to go, and the hanging baskets too. They've given us lots of colour through the summer, and the weather we had in October was unbelievable. I remember when I lived in London, the only time I realised it was spring was when I saw the little white flowers on the privet hedges. One is much more aware of seasons in the country.

I have a lot more to do in view of the busy weekend ahead. And a special request for brownies! I may have to do another batch. Can't disappoint my fans.

2.15 p.m. my time. Even though I haven't yet adjusted my watch, or my car clock, I know it's not 6 in the morning.

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