Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I like activities - having the family for the weekend; going out to Goldenford meetings and Guildford Writers' meetings, but then I find that lots of trivial things have piled up and I feel stressed. That's happening at the moment. I'm not going out today or this evening and am contemplating not going to the reading circle, to which I also belong, tomorrow. (I will not miss discussing the book, which I read several years ago - The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins. I found it Dickension but without the humour. I was bored and wouldn't read it a second time.)

A friend of mine says that when you have too many branches on the tree, you should prune them down to about five. Not, mind you, that she takes much notice of this good advice herself. At the moment I feel there are a lot of branches and twigs (that's what makes the difference) on the tree. There is post on the desk that requires dealing with; the talk still needs to be sorted; an article I'm writing on Goldenford needs to be rewritten. Then there's washing and ironing - I did a batch of that yesterday and there's more today. Borrrrrring! There's apples too, still crying out to be cooked/frozen/stored in some way. I will appreciate them when I have someone to dinner and can produce a quick dessert.

Last night I went to GW. A good evening with lots of really good stuff being read out. I had hardly a comment to make, because it was all so good. Of course I've brought back my own piece with lots of scribbles on it - so that's another job.

Also last night, I listened to the 15,000th episode of The Archers. I haven't looked at the website. Think I'll try to restrain myself - that really is a way of wasting time. But my own verdict was Anti-Climax. Firewords at Ambridge, they said. More like a damp squib.

Now to work. On top of the above mentioned, I haven't even started the VAT. I think I'll postpone that till next week.

11.35 a.m.

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