Thursday, December 21, 2006

Another horrid day

Almost nothing can be worse than this horrible fog. And so cold too. The heating’s been on all day, and the grey outside hasn’t shifted. I spent almost the entire morning taking dictation and started up again after lunch, until a Chinese restaurant in Croydon called M out to an emergency job. Took him to the station and will have to collect him again later, when it’s dark.

I cooked some joints of turkey, yesterday, possibly for a meal for us, if I’m do a veggie roast for the kids. No decisions made on that yet. I’ll see what I come up with. But we had some last night and it was very good. Some of the trimmings, too – parsnips, roast potatoes and Brussels. But I have to carve the rest today some time and put it into foil parcels for future use. I couldn’t be bothered to do anything else last night and had a Victorian evening with Bramwell, followed by Sherlock Holmes – The House of the Baskervilles with Jeremy Brett – all on Sky UKTV Drama, or somesuch. Both very good.


Irene Black said...

Jeremy Brett's a pretty awsome SH, n'est pas? Agree about the weather. You should get a SAD light.


Jackie Luben said...

Yes. He's excellent.

But the sad light won't make the fog go away, or take me out to Sainsbury's to do my shop.